Kerry Mills, Trainer
Kerry Mills, Trainer:
Dementia Care Coach Program
Engaging Alzheimer’s , LLC
“Watching ReServe take an untapped work force and recruit and train it to support the Dementia Care Coaching program has been amazing,” Kerry Mills, co-author of I Care- A Handbook for Care Partners of People with Dementia and recipient of the 2014 Gold Award Winner of the National Mature Media Award.
“Once we accept that dementia is a chronic disease, we can move away from the stigma of disease and on to helping manage the day to day experience,” she said. At the heart of this work is the notion that “people are people,” despite the behavioral changes. The goal is to educate families, organizations and communities to view and treat people with Alzheimer’s and related dementias in a way that maintains or improves the person’s lifestyle for as long as possible while maintaining his or her dignity. Since the field of dementia care is still in its infancy, insurance coverage has yet to catch up. But to date families have only praise for the peace of mind coaching provides.
“If success is measured by family response, then I can report 100% satisfaction,” she smiled. With millions of Americans currently coping with dementia, the need for this new field is evident. “This important program should be part of the national health care framework and I look forward to working with ReServe as they take this program nationwide in the near future,“ she said.